First Sergeant Shawn Clark enlisted into the U.S. Army Reserve in June, 1993 as a Carpentry and Masonry Specialist, and entered Active Duty in July 1997 with the Military Police. He completed Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri.
First Sergeant Clark holds a Bachelor degree in Sociology and an Associate Degree in Mechanical and Electrical Drafting and Design. He has attended The General Leonard Wood Engineer School, Primary Leadership and Development Course where he was the Distinguished Honor Graduate, Quartermaster School, Standard Property Book System Redesign Course, Unit Supply Specialist Course, Basic and Advanced Non-commissioned Officer Courses, Basic Recruiter Course, Recruiting Station Commander Course, Healthcare Recruiting Course, Staff and Faculty Course, the Recruiting Master Trainer Course, Operations Security Course, and the Company Commander and First Sergeant Course, where he was the Distinguished Honor Graduate.
First Sergeant Clark’s assignments include Co. B, 469th Engineer Battalion, Co. C, 854th Engineer Battalion, and Det. 1, 306th Engineer Company serving as Construction Squad Leader, Mine Sweeping Team Leader, HHD, 336th Military Police Battalion, Property Book NCO, Co. E, 385th Reg. 1st Brigade, Drill Sergeant, Mid-Atlantic Recruiting Battalion, North Philadelphia Recruiting Company as an Army Recruiter, Assistant Station Commander, Company Recruiter Trainer and Station Commander, First Medical Recruiting Battalion, Military District of Washington Medical Recruiting Company as Medical Corps Recruiter, Instructor and the Advance Department Division Chief at the Recruiting and Retention College, Company First Sergeant, U.S. Army Recruiting Company, Fairmont, WV. First Sergeant Clark retired in July, 2018, after 25 years of service. His final assignment was the First Recruiting Brigade’s Senior Master Recruiting Trainer.
First Sergeant Clark’s awards and decorations include: the Meritorious Service Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Commendation Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Achievement Medal with eight Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Good Conduct Medal, fifth award, Army Reserve Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal with one Bronze Star, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Army Superior Unit Award, the U.S. Army Recruiting Command Gold Recruiter Badge, the Army Recruiter Ring, the Army Recruiting Excellence Medallion and inducted as a member of The Glen E. Morrell Order of Recruiting Excellence. 1SG Clark is a 2010 Inductee into the prestigious Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, recipient of the Audie Murphy Award. He is married to the former Kathryn Medeiros and has two daughters, Allison and Erin.