Greater Philadelphia Veterans Network provides FREE programs and services for HR Executives and local companies in the greater Philadelphia region who want to hire Veterans, National Guardsmen and Reservists.

Veteran Recruitment Strategies
Greater Philadelphia Veterans Network provides FREE programs and services for HR Executives, local companies, and Associations/Chambers in the greater Philadelphia region who want to hire Veterans, National Guardsmen and Reservists.

How to Hire Our Veterans
A series of round table events for the purpose of bringing together area HR and/or Hiring Managers who are committed to hiring Veterans to share best practices.
Speed Networking and Interviewing
A unique opportunity to engage with student veterans who are seeking employment. This is an invitation only event.

Take an Employer to Base Day
Local employers engage with service members in various trades on an active duty base. The initiative will help employers learn more about the day-to-day responsibilities of our dedicated service members and demonstrate how those military skill sets translate to their company.

Supplier Diversity
Does your company want to increase supplier diversity by doing more business with veteran owned businesses? Get involved with GPVN.